A Message from Dr. Dan Reinhardt

Its been twenty fabulous, exciting, and challenging years of founding and leading The CREST Leadership Centre.

What a privilege to be engaged deeply with hundreds of leaders’ lives, and to see how God shapes and transforms people. One of the best moments as President is to see people at their graduation and hear how God has worked with them while in the CREST program. I see the transformation in their joyful faces – this is a deep work of God, more than what our CREST curriculum can do. I have never become tired of this ministry.

But there comes a time when the founder needs to step down and let others take the lead. Even Jesus turned his ministry over to his disciples. As a follower of Christ I am endeavoring to copy what he did.

Two things converged which made it clear that now was the time to step aside:

  • twenty years is a significant marker in time, and
  • a doctor’s report that I am now battling cancer.

Its not totally unexpected for a 69-year-old to have a health challenge. It means that I must focus a significant part of my attention to health, family, and preparing for the next chapter of life.

I am very thankful that John Pritchard is willing to step into the role of President. He has been a faithful partner in this ministry for 15 years. He has had a significant part in shaping the curriculum, and has been our Lead Facilitator of student groups for several years already. There is no one who knows CREST like John, or is more committed to this ministry.

I am taking the role of President Emeritus. It means I am still involved, but now in a support role to John. I hope I can be as good a help to John as he has been to me all these years.

I have warm memories of you all, our CREST alumni and friends.