Legal information regarding
The CREST Leadership Center

The CREST Leadership Center was incorporated on December 20th 2007 as a not-for-profit Private Company under Part 9 of the Companies Act in the Province of Alberta, Canada.

The company is constituted for charitable purposes.

The incorporation authorizes The CREST Leadership Center to:

  • Further the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical, social and cultural development of its students
  • Promote the advancement of learning and the dissemination of knowledge, whether theoretical or practical, in the field of leadership and other related studies
  • Conduct in-service and continuing education programs, workshops, conferences, institutes and other specialized programs
  • Award certificates, diplomas and non-formal degrees in divinity
CREST Leadership is governed by a Board of Directors

Dr. Dan Reinhardt, chairman
Eric Lowther, Secretary
John Henry, Treasurer
Verdeen Bueckert, Director
Dr. Terry Young, Director

Corporate Access Number: 5113723885
Three Hills Alberta, Canada
Canada Revenue Agency Business Number: 81823 4015


Who grants the degree?

CREST is a not-for-profit educational institution incorporated in the Province of Alberta.  Our incorporation charter authorizes us to grant certificates, diplomas, and degrees in religion.  The Master in Christian Leadership is granted by The CREST Leadership Center. This is similar to all Bible Colleges and seminaries. They have a legal charter granted by the province that authorizes them to be a post-secondary educational institution and to grant degrees. All degrees are granted by the individual educational institution. The key issue is whether they are authorized to grant Arts degrees or degrees in religion. If they grant Arts degrees, they fall under the jurisdiction of their province. If it is a degree in religion, they do not. 

Is it accredited? 

There are two general types of credentials:

1. Formal degrees – these are academic Arts degrees, regulated by one of two ways: 

a. The provinces in Canada. The schools that receive provincial funding come under provincial regulation. These schools are Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) members. 

b. A voluntary non-profit organization. Some Christian Bible colleges voluntary associate with an accreditation organization of fellow Bible colleges, a common one among Christian colleges being ABHE. There are many similar voluntary associations in North America.

2. Non-formal degrees – these are professional or applied degrees, focused less on academics and aimed more at the practical application of learning and skill sets. 

These institutions offer diplomas, certificates, or degrees in religion. They cannot offer Arts degrees. Receiving no provincial funding they do not come under provincial regulation.

a. Many Bible Colleges in Canada are in this category. Examples in Alberta: Millar College of the Bible, Peace River Bible Insitute.

b. Because these colleges do not receive funding from the Province, these divinity programs are NOT subject to approval by Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education nor are they reviewed and monitored by the Campus Alberta Quality Council (CAQC).

CREST is part of this second category because:

1. It gives CREST freedom to innovate and stay on the cutting edge of leadership material 

2. Leadership is more of an applied skill than an academic subject

3. We are able to offer training at less cost than traditional, academic institutions.

4. CREST offers two non-formal credentials:

a. Certificate in Christian Leadership

b. Master in Christian Leadership

Is it a recognized credential?

Students interested in the MCL typically work in faith-based organizations. Churches and charities typically accept credentials from Canadian faith-based schools, both the formal, academic schools  (like Ambrose University) and the non-formal (like Peace River Bible Institute, or Millar College of the Bible).

CREST is a non-formal credential that has been readily accepted in Canada by Christian organizations. If you plan to go on to earn a PhD, then you should choose the formal degree track with an academic credential.